bVacations/b are the best. Good food, relaxing, good food, reading good books, eating good food, swimming in the sunshine, and getting a tan while eating delicious food.. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. ...
Since he'd been neglectful of Chloe, bMerrick/b offers her a bvacation/b in Hawaii, where they'd honeymooned. She needed to give him one week to convince her he would put their marriage first. If he wasn't successful, he'd let her go for good ...
bMerika/b iz liek teh cookie op abov. Maibii nawt purrfekt, but ebben teh krumz bii wunnerful. Lets awl vote, grump abowt adn den go abowt hour daze, cawz wii iz bMerika/b. Teh polly-tishunz iz onlii dare tew serb us. Grumpin halps tew remind dem ob dis truuf-ness. b..../b Mr. G. and I was planning a bvacation/b in May 2009 to Taughannock Park, near Trumansburg. We wuz tawkin abowt gittin marreed ther, and goin to owr fayvrit winery arownd teh lakes - Lucas Vineyards, in Interlaken. b.../b